Vichitra Veer Hanuman Mala Mantra | विचित्र वीर हनुमान माला मंत्र

The Vichitra Veer Hanuman Mala Mantra is a powerful Hindu mantra dedicated to Lord Hanuman, known for his extraordinary strength, courage, and devotion. This mantra is believed to invoke Hanuman’s blessings for overcoming obstacles, gaining strength, and achieving success.

The term “Vichitra Veer” refers to Hanuman’s unique and unparalleled valor, while “Mala Mantra” signifies a garland of sacred verses recited repeatedly.

Typically, devotees chant this mantra in multiples of 108, often using a mala (prayer beads) to keep count. The specific words of the mantra might vary, but a common version is:

“ॐ वयं हनुमते नमः”
“Om Vayam Hanumate Namah”

Devotees believe that reciting this mantra with devotion and focus can help them achieve their goals and gain protection and strength from Lord Hanuman.


In the context of Hindu rituals and mantras, “विनियोगः” (Vinayoga) refers to the specific purpose, intention, or application of the mantra or ritual being performed. It sets the context for the mantra, indicating its usage and the deity being addressed, as well as the desired outcome.

For example, in the recitation of a mantra, the Vinayoga might be stated as follows:

“अस्य श्री वयम् हनुमते नमः मन्त्रस्य, श्री हनुमान ऋषिः, अनुष्टुप् छन्दः, श्री हनुमान देवता, वायुः शक्तिः, श्री हनुमान प्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः।”

This can be translated as:

“For this sacred ‘Om Vayam Hanumate Namah’ mantra, the sage is Sri Hanuman, the meter is Anushtup, the deity is Sri Hanuman, the power is Vayu (the wind god), and it is being recited for the pleasure of Sri Hanuman.”

Vinayoga helps in aligning the recitation with the spiritual and ritualistic framework, ensuring that the mantra is chanted with the correct intention and focus.

In the context of Hindu rituals and mantras, “ऋष्यादिन्यासः” (Rishyadi Nyasa) refers to the process of invoking the seers (rishis), meters (chandas), and deities (devatas) associated with the mantra before its recitation. This practice is part of the preparatory rituals to purify and sanctify the body and mind, aligning the practitioner with the divine energies of the mantra.

Here’s an example of how Rishyadi Nyasa might be performed for a mantra:

  1. ऋषि (Rishi): Invocation of the sage who revealed the mantra.
  • Touch the head: “श्री हनुमान ऋषये नमः” (Sri Hanuman Rishaye Namah)
  1. छन्दः (Chandas): Invocation of the meter of the mantra.
  • Touch the mouth: “अनुष्टुप् छन्दसे नमः” (Anushtup Chandase Namah)
  1. देवता (Devata): Invocation of the deity to whom the mantra is addressed.
  • Touch the heart: “श्री हनुमान देवतायै नमः” (Sri Hanuman Devatayai Namah)
  1. बीज (Bija): Invocation of the seed syllable (if any).
  • Touch the right shoulder: “वायुः शक्तये नमः” (Vayuh Shaktaye Namah)
  1. शक्ति (Shakti): Invocation of the power of the mantra.
  • Touch the left shoulder: “श्री हनुमान प्रीत्यर्थे” (Sri Hanuman Pritarthe)
  1. कीलक (Kilaka): Invocation of the pillar or pin, signifying the unblocking of the mantra’s power.
  • Touch the whole body: “जपे विनियोगः” (Jape Vinayogah)

This sequence sanctifies different parts of the body and mind, preparing the practitioner to chant the mantra with proper focus and devotion. Each touch point corresponds to a specific aspect of the mantra, ensuring that the invocation is complete and effective.

षडङ्गन्यासः (Shadanganyasa) is a specific form of Nyasa that involves the ritualistic touching of six parts of the body while chanting specific syllables or parts of a mantra. This practice is meant to consecrate and purify these six parts, aligning them with the divine energy invoked by the mantra.

For the Vichitra Veer Hanuman Mala Mantra, the षडङ्गन्यासः might be performed as follows:


  1. Heart (हृदयम्)
  • Touch the heart with the right hand and chant:
    “ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः हृदयाय नमः”
    (Om Vayam Hanumate Namah Hridayaya Namah)
  1. Head (शिरः)
  • Touch the top of the head and chant:
    “ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः शिरसे स्वाहा”
    (Om Vayam Hanumate Namah Shirasé Swaha)
  1. Crown (शिखा)
  • Touch the crown of the head and chant:
    “ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः शिखायै वषट्”
    (Om Vayam Hanumate Namah Shikhayai Vashat)
  1. Shoulders (कवचम्)
  • Touch both shoulders with the right hand, first the left shoulder then the right, and chant:
    “ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः कवचाय हुम्”
    (Om Vayam Hanumate Namah Kavachaya Hum)
  1. Eyes (नेत्रत्रयम्)
  • Touch both eyes with the middle and ring fingers and chant:
    “ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्”
    (Om Vayam Hanumate Namah Netra-Trayaya Vaushat)
  1. Palms (अस्त्राय)
  • Run the fingers along the length of both arms and chant:
    “ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः अस्त्राय फट्”
    (Om Vayam Hanumate Namah Astraya Phat)

Full Practice Summary:

  1. Heart (हृदयम्): ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः हृदयाय नमः
  2. Head (शिरः): ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः शिरसे स्वाहा
  3. Crown (शिखा): ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः शिखायै वषट्
  4. Shoulders (कवचम्): ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः कवचाय हुम्
  5. Eyes (नेत्रत्रयम्): ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्
  6. Palms (अस्त्राय): ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः अस्त्राय फट्

Performing this Nyasa helps to imbue the practitioner’s body with the protective and empowering energies of Lord Hanuman, ensuring a deep connection and alignment with the divine purpose of the mantra. This ritual can enhance focus, spiritual clarity, and the overall efficacy of the mantra chanting practice.


When reciting the Vichitra Veer Hanuman Mala Mantra, ध्यानं (Dhyanam) refers to the meditation or visualization of Lord Hanuman. This practice involves focusing the mind and visualizing the deity in a specific form, often described in poetic and vivid language, to deepen the connection and devotion.

वामे करेशु दधतो मधुकैटभादि-
मातङ्गमादि रुधिरं महतामसूनां।
तं रौद्र वज्रसदृशं जटिलं त्रिनेत्रं
ध्यानान्नरं सकरुणं शरणं व्रजामि॥

अञ्जनानन्दनं वीरं जानकीशोकनाशनम्।
कपीशमक्षहन्तारं वन्दे लङ्का-भयङ्करम्॥

उद्यदादित्यसङ्काशं उद्द्यच्छत्रुविनाशनम्।
उद्यत्सर्वकुमारं तं हनुमन्तं उपास्महे॥

पञ्चवक्त्रं महाभीमं त्रिशूलावरधारिणम्।
कमण्डलुं खट्वाङ्गं च वस्त्रं चार्मोज्वलन्।

नागयज्ञोपवीतं च चित्रमाल्याम्बरं शुभम्।
दद्वात्मसुखसन्तुष्टं सर्वविद्याविशारदम्।

शान्तं सर्वगुणोपेतं ध्यात्वा परममात्मनः।
रामदूतं महावीरं हनूमन्तं विचारयेत्।

Translation and Visualization:

  1. Visualize Lord Hanuman as a majestic and powerful figure, seated with a calm and compassionate expression. He holds a mace (Gada) in one hand, symbolizing his strength and valor. His body is radiant like the rising sun, exuding a divine aura.
  2. Meditate on his attributes:
    • Vama Karesha Dadato: Holding the blood of demons like Madhu and Kaitabha in his left hand, symbolizing victory over evil forces.
    • Maatangamadi Rudhiram: Drinking the blood of the greatest demons, indicating his fierce and unstoppable nature in the battle against evil.
    • Raudra Vajrasadrisham: He appears as fierce as a thunderbolt, with matted hair and three eyes, indicating his cosmic vision and immense power.
  3. Reflect on his divine acts:
    • Anjananandanam Veeram: The brave son of Anjana, who alleviated Sita’s sorrow.
    • Kapishamakshahantaram: The lord of monkeys, destroyer of the demon Aksha, and the one who brought fear to Lanka.
  4. Contemplate his serene form:
    • Udyaadityasankasham: Radiant like the rising sun.
    • Udyachchhatrunashanam: The one who destroys rising enemies.
    • Panchavaktram Mahabhimam: Five-faced and extremely fierce, holding a trident (Trishula), a mace (Gada), and other weapons, adorned with a sacred thread of snakes (Nagayajnopaveetam).
  5. Meditate on his wisdom and tranquility:
    • Santoshtam Sarvagunopetam: Full of all virtues, always contented, and a master of all knowledge.
    • Shantam Sarvagunopetam: Peaceful and endowed with all good qualities, the supreme messenger of Rama.

माला मंत्रः

ॐ नमो भगवते विचित्रवीरहनुमते
प्रलयकालानलप्रभाज्वलत्प्रतापवज्रदेहाय |
अञ्जनीगर्भसम्भूताय |
काकिनीग्रहकामिनीग्रह ब्रह्मग्रहब्रह्मराक्षसग्रह चोरग्रहबन्धनाय |

एहि एहि |
आगच्छागच्छ | आवेशयावेशय |
मम हृदयँ प्रवेशय प्रवेशय |
स्फुर स्फुर | प्रस्फुर प्रस्फुर |
सत्यं कथय कथय |
व्याघ्रमुखं बन्धय बन्धय |
सर्पमुखं बन्धय बन्धय |
राजमुखं बन्धय बन्धय |
सभामुखं बन्धय बन्धय |
शत्रुमुखं बन्धय बन्धय |
सर्वमुखं बन्धय बन्धय |
लङ्काप्रासादभञ्जन सर्वजनं में वशमानय वशमानय

श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं श्रीं सर्वानाकर्षय
आकर्षय शत्रून्मर्दय मर्दय
मारय मारय |
चूर्णय चूर्णय |

खे खे खे श्रीरामचन्द्राज्ञया प्रज्ञया मम कार्यसिद्धि कुरु कुरु
मम शत्रून् भस्मी कुरु कुरु स्वाहा ||

ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रूं ह्रैं ह्रौं ह्रः फट्
विचित्रवीरहनुमते मम सर्वशत्रून् भस्मीकुरु कुरु |
हन हन हुं फट् स्वाहा |

( एकादशशतवारं जपित्वा सर्वशत्रून वशमानयति नान्यथा इति )

|| इति श्रीविचित्रवीर हनुमन्माला मंत्र सम्पूर्णं ||

Chanting Instructions:

  1. Preparation:
    • Sit in a clean and quiet place, ideally in front of a picture or idol of Lord Hanuman.
    • Hold the mala in your right hand, draping it over your middle finger. Use your thumb to rotate the beads.
  2. Recitation:
    • Begin with the bead next to the sumeru (central bead or meru).
    • Chant “ॐ वयम् हनुमते नमः” (Om Vayam Hanumate Namah) on each bead.
    • Move to the next bead and repeat the mantra.
  3. Completion:
    • After completing one full round of 108 beads, avoid crossing the sumeru bead. Instead, reverse the direction and continue chanting if you wish to do more rounds.
    • It is recommended to chant at least one full mala (108 times) daily for maximum benefit.

Benefits of Chanting the Vichitra Veer Hanuman Mala Mantra:

  1. Spiritual Strength: Enhances inner strength and courage.
  2. Protection: Offers protection from negative influences and obstacles.
  3. Devotion: Deepens devotion and connection with Lord Hanuman.
  4. Success: Aids in achieving success in endeavors and overcoming challenges.

By incorporating the माला मंत्रः into daily practice, devotees can invoke the blessings of Lord Hanuman, fostering a sense of peace, strength, and resilience in their lives.

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